Masks have become an essential part of our everyday lives. Just like you bring your wallet and phone with you wherever you go, you double check for a mask, as well. Although it is becoming more common to see people without one, many places still require it. Both Universal and Disney have announced that they are not required any longer except for transportation at Disney. It’s been nice!

No longer wearing masks can have you wondering what you will do with all of them. Out of the necessity for multiple it has become a trend to collect different styles. People match them to their outfits, which is a great accessory for Disney-Bounding, and are always buying the newest release. Because of their quality it doesn’t seem right to dispose them or let them collect dust in the back of the closet. Instead, check out these fun and creative ways reuse your mask!

Patches: Jean jackets are popular right now and what better way to customize it to your liking than with a fun design. Disney already sells iron-on, and clothing with, patches in a variety of designs. You can add a premade option or pick and choose which you want to use. When you’re done sewing on a couple you’ll have a one of a kind Disney original jacket. Masks can also be sewn on pants or shorts to add a little character or used to cover a hole.

Hair Accessories: For the princess in your life the mask can be turned into a bow. To best achieve this, start by cutting off the ear loops and wrapping one, or both, around the center of the mask. Secure with glue. It may be helpful to wrap it first with a rubber band to hold the shape. Pull out the edges for the desired look and slip a hair clip or pin through the back of the elastic. This look can be altered by adding sparkles, ribbons, or whatever else you choose. These can also be used to make your own Disney Ears.

Home Goods: Decorating can be pricey, especially if shopping for Disney products. Making your own pillows can save you money and be a personalized keepsake. Remove the ear loops, sew multiple masks together, and stuff it. If you’re looking for something practical, try turning your mask into a coin purse or make up bag. For this idea, you’ll have to buy a zipper, buttons, or other fastener to keep your items safe.

These are just a few DIY projects to get your started. Use your imagination and creative thinking to come up with your own ideas, too!

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