I see people posting all the time how they struggle to get Fastpasses to big ticket rides like Slinky Dog Dash and how their vacation will be ruined because they won’t get to ride the new ride.  Well just because you didn’t get a Fastpass, doesn’t mean you can’t ride the ride.

Gasp, the dreaded standby line.  We’ve kind of become Disney spoiled with Fastpasses haven’t we?  The worry that we can’t ride our favorite ride without one.  Here’s a shocker, they have the standby line.  Listen, I admit it, I’m definitely Disney spoiled.  I much prefer the Fastpass option, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen.

My kids really wanted to ride Slinky Dog Dash this past weekend.  I tried and tried to get a Fastpass all the way up to the time we arrived at the park.  I did not get one; however, I did get a Toy Story Mania one.  So I thought I won some mom points with that one.  It’s in Toy Story Land, it’s better than nothing.  So I got my kids excited to ride Toy Story Mania, but as soon as we walked into Toy Story Land they all saw Slinky Dog and wanted to ride.  Me included.  I mean seriously if you haven’t ridden it yet, you need to.  It’s so much fun.

So we hopped on Toy Story Mania during our Fastpass time.  By the time we got off it was about an hour and a half to park closing.  Slinky Dog had a posted 80 minute wait time and Alien Swirling Saucers said 45 minutes.  We opted to ride Alien Swirling Saucers and guess what?  We only waited about 25 minutes!  So here’s a hint, the wait times are not always right.  Look at the line.  See how it’s moving.  Sometimes when it’s later in the day, the Fast Pass lines have shortened so more standby people are funneling in.

Well since we got done with the alien ride so quickly and it was about 20 minutes to park close, we decided to try Slinky Dog again.  The posted wait time dropped down to 60 minutes.  We said let’s just get in line.  It looked like it was moving quickly and sure enough it did.  We only waited about 35 minutes.  Not bad at all.  And listen, with Toy Story Land, during the day those lines get really hot, but when it’s dark out, it’s not bad at all.  And in my opinion, riding Slinky at night is the best with it all lit up.

So the moral of my ramblings is, just because you didn’t get a Fastpass, your vacation isn’t ruined.  First off, keep looking.  People cancel Fastpasses all the time because they have dinner reservations or they switch parks.  But if you can’t get that Fastpass, go check the standby line.  Don’t be scared of that wait time.  Look at the line.  See where it’s at and how it’s moving.  Also, I think the best time to ride is at the end of the night while everyone else is funneling out of the park or watching fireworks.  So stop being Disney spoiled and get in that standby line!

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The Main Street Mouse