DIY: Lion King Stencil

February 24, 2015 , ,

From the Disney Style Blog

Ever since we were little, we’ve loved the drawing that Rafiki makes of Simba.It’s such a simple design, yet it reminds us of all the things we love about The Lion King: Rafiki’s crazy, but secretly wise antics, Simba’s journey and learning about the circle of life, and of course, hakuna matata.

We thought it would be fun to take that symbol of Simba wherever we go, so we asked one of our designers to make a stencil of it! You can easily print it out and add a bit of Lion King-style to whatever you want. Here’s how we used it:

With our shirt, we decided to use two different types of fabric paint and a paint brush to paint around the inside of the stencil.


Just tape the stencil down and paint around the edges to capture the outline of Simba.


For our canvas bag, we first cut out the stencil and tested our fabric spray paint on a piece of scrap fabric. We recommend doing this first, so you know how far away you want to use the fabric spray, and see how the stencil will turn out!


Once you spray, let it sit for a couple minutes and then pull away the stencil!


Ta-dah! Here’s the final product. Now, it is time… for you to start crafting!


Click for larger image


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