Jar Of Dirt Friday Welcomes The Pirates Of Central Park

As you know, if you have followed The Main Street Mouse for any length of time, Friday’s are known as “Jar of Dirt Fridays.”

The Disney Parks Blog shared this video of the Central Park Pirates and I thought it was fun to share, especially on a Friday.  The video was created by the group Improv Everywhere at Central Park in New York.  The group showed their Disney Side to all the folks in the park on the particular day they filmed and you can even see some of the park goers showed their Disney Side as well.

What I loved in the video is the references to the classic attractions moments, see if you catch them all.

Improv Everywhere, creators of the “Films in Real Life” viral video series, is a New York City-based “prank collective” that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places.

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