Disneyland Guests Stuck on Pirates of the Caribbean Ride for 90 Minutes

As all theme park fans probably know, rides at the Disney Parks don’t always work how they’re supposed to. Unfortunately, this was the case for several guests to Disneyland who recently got stuck on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride for 90 minutes.

For those who have been on this attraction before, you’re probably aware it’s not accessible for emergency evacuation throughout its entire route and on Halloween night a boat full of guests got stuck for 90 minutes on the ride because of it. In a recent interview with Brian Rokos with Fox News, a guest to the park on Halloween night and one of several who got stuck on the attraction for an hour-and-a-half, shared the story.

Rokos told Fox News, the boat was stuck in a spot where there was three feet of water surrounding each side of the boat. Because of this, they had to wait for Cast Members to come to their rescue. Rokos says the house lights came on and animatronics were turned off after about 30 minutes into their 90 minute wait.

After some time, a few Cast Members wearing rubber waders arrived and got into the water by the stranded boat. They pushed the boat over to dry land and helped guests off. Rokos and his group were then escorted through the backstage area of the attraction, which Rokos said was an, “interesting view of the ride…”

In situations similar, guests don’t always cooperate and can become quite rowdy. However, according to Rokos, not a single guest in his boat complained about the situation.

“I was surprised that people hardly said a word,” said Rokos. “No one was yelling, I didn’t hear anyone complaining. No one sounded angry.”

Rokos shared that during the wait one young boy started playing a video game and a small baby actually slept through the experience.

Have you ever been emergency evacuated off of a Walt Disney World or Disneyland attraction? Let us know in the comments!

Sean Sposato

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