Disney Reported to Face Walkouts Due to Employees Discontent Towards Bob Chapek

Bob Chapek’s initial response to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill caused many staff members to become outraged due to the CEO’s inability to combat the bill. Since his original statement, the CEO has since changed his stance to join the fight against the bill. However, some cast members are still unhappy with the CEO and are planning a walkout.

Originally shared in a recent report by CNN, it seems a Twitter account by the username “@DisneyWalkout,” and an associated website, “WhereIsChapek.com,” are planning a full-day walkout to take place Tuesday, March 22.

The group’s intentions are echoed on their website, which hosts a landing page listing the following prompt to visitors:

The Walt Disney Company’s (TWDC) LGBTQIA+ community and their allies are determined to take a stand against TWDC’s apathy in the face of the bigoted “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” bill put forth by the FL state legislature.

The recent statements and lack of action by TWDC leadership regarding the “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” bill have utterly failed to match the magnitude of the threat to LGBTQIA+ safety represented by this legislation.

As a community, we have been forced into an impossible and unsustainable position. We must now take action to convince TWDC to protect employees and their families in the face of such open and unapologetic bigotry.

Starting the week of March 14th we will begin a series of collective actions together in order to make our voices and demands heard!

The website also lists a section where non-employees can also take part in the stand on a page titled: “How Can I Help on Tuesday?” There, it discusses a few tasks, including posting a picture of support at 11 a.m. PST with the hashtags: #DisneyDoBetter #DisneySayTrans #DisneySayGay #WherelsChapek.
It is not known how many employees might take part in the walkout. At this time, the account @DisneyWalkout has over 2600 followers on Twitter.
What are your thoughts on employees of The Walt Disney Company staging this walkout? Let us know in the comments! 
Sean Sposato
The Main Street Mouse