Disney Developing Live-Action Robin Hood Remake for Disney+

April 10, 2020 ,

Disney live action remakes of classic films are all the rage right now, and there appears to be another one coming. Here is the scoop from comicbook.com!

Disney’s live-action remakes have resulted in big-time box office success for the studio, even with a few duds in the mix, and that train isn’t stopping anytime soon. The latest animated classic to get the live-action treatment is going to be the beloved Robin Hood according to Heat Vision, which says that Disney will develop that project as its next live-action film and it will be a musical as well. Not much else is known at this time, though Blindspotting director Carlos Lopez Estrada is currently on board to direct the project, while Justin Springer will be producing the film, and the new live-action remake will debut on Disney’s Disney+ streaming service.

The only other detail known at this time is in regard to the look fo the characters. For those who remember the original film, the world of Robin Hood is populated by animals like foxes, lions, roosters, and bears, and that is staying the same for the upcoming live-action remake. The film is said to feature CG animal creations, which are going for a heightened art style but still realistic.

It’s hard to know where that will fall on the scale, but odds are it will be closer to Jungle Book than The Lion King. The Lion King was absurdly impressive from a technical perspective, but the highly realistic creations lost a bit of their animated incarnations’ personality and magic. The Jungle Book did a better job of balancing those two extremes, and we’re hoping that Robin Hood will go for a similar style.

For those unfamiliar, Robin Hood debuted in 1973 and has since become a classic entry in Disney’s animated legacy. The film starred a Robin Hood who was a fox, going up against the tyrannical rule of Prince John and his lackeys, including the always memorable Sir Hiss. The film was full of classic Disney musical numbers, including Oo-De-Lally, Not In Nottingham, and The Phony King of England, and it’s good to hear that the new live-action take will keep the musical format of the original.

Much like Beauty and the Beast, the new film will likely bring in a few new songs into the mix as well, and we’re eager to see what Disney has in store.

Thank you comicbook.com!

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