Fairy Berries Snack Idea!

September 7, 2015 ,


Happy Labor Day!

Here’s a cute snack idea courtesy of Disney Family! I hope you all enjoy your day!

Sure, it’s inconvenient to sip your juice by the thimbleful — but for your average would-be fairy, it’s all part of the fun. Take the opportunity to use all your little tea sets for a fairy-themed birthday party. Along with tiny cups of colorful juice, serve these berries dipped in pink chocolate. For a fancy look, garnish the berries with mint leaves.

What You’ll Need

Large strawberries with stems

White chocolate (such as Nestle Premier White Morsels or Wilton White Candy Melts; 1 cup of pieces will coat about 12 strawberries)

Red food coloring

Decorating sugar (sprinkles also work well)

How To Make It

1 Rinse the berries, then pat them dry with paper towels.

2 Place the white chocolate in a bowl and melt it in the microwave according to the package instructions. Stir in red food coloring until the chocolate is tinted pink (we used 5 drops for 1 cup of chocolate).

3 Pour the sugar onto a plate. Holding each berry by the stem, dunk it into the chocolate, then roll it immediately in the sugar. Place the berries on a sheet of waxed paper and let the coating harden.

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