Disney from a Teen’s Perspective: Rock n Roller Coaster

rnr coaster

There are so many great rides in all of Walt Disney World but Rock n Roller Coaster is one of my favorites. From all the twists and turns to great music, you can probably guess why it’s my favorite.

As soon as you walk towards the ride, you will be amazed. Walking to a giant guitar is just awesome! I like to play guitar so seeing that always makes me happy. Hearing all of my favorite Aerosmith songs is awesome too! Aerosmith is one of my favorite bands!

rnr guitar

The ride queue is also one of my favorites. You see all of these band posters and records. My favorite part is when we go into the recording studio to “see” the band. It’s so cool! When you leave the recording studio, you get your first look at the coaster.

RNR takeoff

The overall ride is so fun! It’s so bright and colorful! The launch is the best part of the ride! I love the feeling of being launched. The songs are amazing. Aerosmith is a family favorite band so if you saw me on the ride, I would be too busy rocking out!

What’s your favorite part of Rock n Roller Coaster?

About TMSM’s Teen Perspective Writer Gabby Adani:

”Hi Mainstreeters! I’m Gabby and I’m going to be writing about Disney from a teen’s perspective. But first let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m 13 years old and have had Disney Annual Passes my whole life. Disney is literally my second home. I’m an honors student and enjoy school. My favorite sport is volleyball. I play for both my middle school team and the YMCA. I am also a huge fan of Star Wars.”


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