TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ Rain, Rain, Go Away!

October 1, 2014 ,


It’s Wednesday! Time for our weekly check in! I hope everyone is doing well and that you’re ready to kick off a fun October here on TMSM! I find myself really conflicted this year. Usually, when October rolls around, I can really get into the spirit of it all. The temps are cooler, it’s time to decorate outside, pull out the sweaters and hoodies, go to the pumpkin patch or cider mill, see the leaves changing colors, etc… Not this year! It’s so strange, because in Florida, things look the same as they did in the Summertime. No changes, it’s still hot, no indication at all that October is here! This Michigan girl is confused, I have to remind myself that it’s Fall! I talked to my Mom the other day, she said temps are beautiful in our home town, cooler weather but sunny. I miss that. Here in Florida….. it’s been raining….. and raining…. and raining….. for about two weeks now. The news said that September had record rain fall this year in Florida. Well, of course it did, I’m here now! Figures!

Due to the rainy weather, we haven’t gone out and about much lately. It’s different when you live here. While on vacation, I’d go to Disney in the rain all the time, because I knew it was my only shot to go. When you’re a local, you don’t view it the same, you’d rather just skip it and wait for the weather to get better. I’ve only been here for just over 3 months, but my views have changed. The old way to visiting Disney doesn’t apply. It’s not a bad thing, just different! More adjusting…. That being said, so far so good, I do like it here!

Even though the rain has been falling, we ventured out last weekend to get some shots of Fantasmic and ride and record the Backlot Tour at Hollywood Studios for the last time. Like I said previously, the Backlot Tour was busier than I’d seen it in years. It’s funny how once something is going away, it gets a renewed interest. I think the same will be true for Maelstrom at Epcot. Maelstrom is scheduled to close this Sunday, October 5th. The wait times have been long since the announcement, so I can’t wait to see what it will be like on Sunday. We have Fast Passes for Maelstrom on Sunday night. As with the Backlot Tour, we’re going over to Epcot to take pics and ride Maelstrom for the last time that evening. So many changes going on…. I know people don’t like change, myself included, but sometimes we just have to roll with it and see what happens. For me, there’s a lot of that going on in the past few months. Changes. For someone that doesn’t do change well, I’m holding my own. Rolling with it is all I can do…. and I am. We were talking about the change of seasons, or lack thereof, this morning in the car on the way to school. I asked Monsters Inc if they were ready to go back to Michigan… then both answered NO at the same time. That’s a good thing. It shows me that they’re dealing with the changes well too, and that they’re happy here. Their happiness is always a concern, and little affirmations like that make a big difference where I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Oh, I almost forgot, in addition to the Studios, we ventured out to Epcot before the rain hit on Friday morning to get some Food and Wine Festival shots, and I got some great pics with some characters in World Showcase! Watch for details on that in an upcoming blog, it was fun!


So, there you have it….. this weeks Florida update. I wish I had more excitement to report, but we’re trying to make the best of the soggy weather! I’ll let you know next week how things went at the closure of Maelstrom, and whatever else I can find to talk about in the next few days. Hang with us for October, we have lots of fun things coming up! As always, thank you for reading our updates! Until next week…. take care! See ya real soon! ~M

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