Disney Quotes To Power Your Potential

July 16, 2014 , ,

From the Oh My Disney blog:

Sometimes we all need a little extra push, a reminder that it only takes one person to change the world.Disney and Milk Life have partnered to showcase kids who are doing just that through Citizen Kid, a celebration of ordinary kids doing extraordinary things! If you want to make a difference in your corner of the world, here are a few things to keep in mind:









To be at your best every day, start your morning with a healthy breakfast, including milk for good nutrition! What could you achieve if you powered your potential?

One thought on “Disney Quotes To Power Your Potential”
  1. We all need a little encouragement. Every once in a while. I told my Dad once I was thinking about giving up on my job because I never seemed to get ahead. His advise was how would I get ahead if I had no Job.

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