How Well Do You Know … Disney Magic?


1. Which witch had a broomstick named Beelzebub in the short “Trick or Treat”?
A. Witch Edith
B. Witch Agnes
C. Witch Mildred
D. Witch Hazel

2. Finish the Evil Queen’s (“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”) spell that transforms her into the witch: “To whiten my hair, a(n) …”
A. Old hag’s bite
B. Hint of light
C. Star of night
D. Scream of fright

3. The Witches of Morva had a penchant for turning passing strangers into …?
A. Mice
B. Frogs
C. Bugs
D. Snakes

4. Name the witch whose alter-ego is “Vanessa” …?
A. Yzma
B. Ursula
C. Orgoch
D. Maleficent

5. Which actress gave the Blue Fairy her voice?
A. Marilyn Monroe
B. Lucille LaVerne
C. Evelyn Venable
D. Marjorie Babbit

6. Who used super-natural powers to transform into a walrus?
A. Madam Mim
B. Merlin
C. Wart
D. Archimedes

Continue reading for the answers and see how you scored!

Magic Mirror1. – D. Witch Hazel had a broomstick named Beelzebub in the short “Trick or Treat.”
2. – D. “To whiten my hair, a scream of fright.”
3. – B. The Witches of Morva had a penchant for turning passing strangers into frogs.
4. – B. The name of Ursula’s alter-ego is “Vanessa.”
5. – C. Evelyn Venable gave the Blue Fairy her voice in “Pinocchio.”
6. – B. Merlin used super-natural powers to transform himself into a walrus.

This trivia was originally posted on the Disney Insider blog

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