Make Your Own Ducky and Bunny Cupcakes! #ToyStory4

My family and I absolutely loved Toy Story 4. The classic characters are always wonderful to see, but there were two NEW characters that stole our hearts…. Ducky and Bunny. They really are SO funny and make the movie even better. Summer is pressing on, and if you’re looking for a little activity to do with the kids, then these cupcakes might do the trick. Especially if your family loved Ducky and Bunny as much as we did. Here’s how to make your own Ducky and Bunny cupcakes, courtesy of Disney Family!

Ducky and Bunny Cupcakes


Cupcakes (store-bought or your favorite cupcake recipe)
White frosting
Food coloring (blue and yellow)
Fondant (blue, light Green, orange, yellow, dark purple, black & white)
#12 piping tip


Prepare your favorite cupcake recipe.
Divide your white frosting among two bowls. Add blue and yellow food coloring to each bowl and mix until combined. Frost your cupcakes and set aside.
To create Ducky and Bunny features, roll out white fondant. Using your #12 tip, cut out large circles. Roll out medium and small balls out of dark purple and black fondant. Push them onto the white fondant to create eyes. Use black fondant for Ducky’s eyelashes, yellow fondant for his hair and orange fondant for his mouth.
Use blue and green fondant for Bunny’s ear. Then use green, black and white fondant for his mouth and nose.
Decorate the frosted cupcakes with all your Ducky and Bunny fondant details.

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