Make Your Own Mickey Pumpkin!


Make Your Own Mickey Pumpkin by Janel Adani

If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to start carving those pumpkins. This year we decided to use craft pumpkins instead of real ones. We wanted to be able to keep our creations for years to come.

This year my son wanted me to make him a Mickey Mouse pumpkin. I headed over to in search of a great template and off to the craft store to get some craft pumpkins.


Place the template on the pumpkin and you know what to do next. Poke a bunch of tiny holes following the template. Once you have all of your holes poked, remove your template and begin carving.

After your carving is complete, take some wooden skewers placing one end through the bottom of the little pumpkin, making sure it’s center and the other end through the top side of your pumpkin. Repeat this on the other side and there you have it. A super cute Mickey pumpkin. Put a battery operated candle inside and you are all set. Enjoy!


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