TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ 3 months today!

September 17, 2014

TMSM BIllboard (2)

Can you believe it? The moving truck rolled into our driveway three months ago today! I know I can’t believe it’s been that long. It’s been such an adventure for us, lots of ups and downs, but honestly we’re adjusting pretty darn well. I never thought I’d be able to do this, to be away from home, starting over someplace new and overcoming my fears, but I’m still here. Granted, it’s only been three months, but I’m pretty happy, and so are my boys, which makes me feel so much better about it all. What’s even better, is that tonight my parents come into town for a week, so all in all it’s a good day. So…. what have we been up to since last week? Lets see…..

Well, the husband and I decided to take a trip, minus kids over to Animal Kingdom last Thursday. It’s so hot at AK during the summer, and we didn’t spend much time there thus far. So, on a whim, we decided to head over after we took the boys to school. I’m trying to do things around Disney that I had never done before, just so I can experience things first hand, and when members ask me about it I know what I’m talking about. While at AK, we took the safari first thing, and to my surprise, we saw so many more animals out than usual. Usually we get lucky if we see a giraffe and an elephant, but this morning trip, we saw a ton of animals. It probably was one of the best safari’s I’ve taken. So, go early, you might see more!


One thing that I’ve never done, and don’t judge, is Rafiki’s Planet Watch. I know, I know…. shame on me! We took the train back to that area and started to check things out. I didn’t know how much was back there! We got to pet a python, see come creepy crawlies in their aquariums, and mingle with some animals like goats and cute little piggies! Truthfully, it was a lot of fun, and I’m going to eventually take the boys back there to take a look around. Once we were done there, we walked around a bit, had Pizzafari for lunch, and met Russell and Dug from up. All in all it was a nice half day at AK.

We did make it over to the Magic Kingdom in the evening last week to get some pics of the Mickey Pumpkins lit up and such. It’s so nice there when the hot son goes down, but you have to watch for Halloween Party nights, because they do close early sometimes. We’ve just been laying low and been trying to get ready to our family to come visit. I can’t wait to tell you all about our visit and what we find to do next week! Thank you all so much for following along with what’s been going on with us, I appreciate it very much. Till next week….. see ya real soon! ~M

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