This OUAT Frozen Spoiler is Melting our Hearts

August 8, 2014 , , ,

The Oh My Disney released the big spoiler involving the Frozen characters that are joining the Once Upon A Time cast this season.  Ready for it?  Here you go…

The creators of Once Upon a Time just let the world in on a huge plot twist for next season! Are you ready? As the season starts Anna is preparing for her wedding to Kristoff! Co-creators and executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz recently teased to TV Guide: “In case you are wondering, the happy couple is registered at Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post and Sauna.” Our only remaining question: when can we expect our invites to arrive?


OUAT-Elsa-Kristoff-SvenThis is the best news we’ve heard since Captain Hook declared his love for Emma Swan. This is HUGE! We’ve dreamed that we’d get to see Kristanna’s wedding, but we never thought it would be so soon. Our imaginations are running wild. Will there be sandwiches? Reindeer? Dancing through the night? We’ll have to wait until September 28 to find out. But we’re already planning our viewing party.

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