Time Lapse Video: A Day At Champion Stadium Ballpark at WDW

Well the calendar says it’s Spring, although the cold in the air here in the north says something else.  Regardless, it’s the time of year when baseball is getting ready to start.  Families will be heading to the ball parks to enjoy our national past time.  Little Leagues will be starting to practice and get the kids ready for another fun season.

This time of year brings back so many memories of my childhood.  From playing in little league to attending Detroit Tiger games with my dad on a Sunday afternoon.  I always love the Springtime for baseball.

The Atlanta Braves play their home pre-season games at the ESPN Sports Complex in Walt Disney World.  Disney Parks Blog writer Matt Stroshane recently took in a game last week when the Braves faced off against the Phillies.  Matt took an amazing 27,000 photos.  He then squeezed that day of pictures into a 2-minute time-lapse video.

I’m a big fan of the Disney time lapse videos. My favorite two are “A Model Day At The Magic Kingdom” and “A Model Day At Epcot“.  Check them out and let us know what you think, in the comments here and on Facebook, of all the time lapse videos.

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