TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living – Busy & Blessed

Happy Wednesday everyone! It’s that time again to give you all an update as to what’s been happening here. Things have been busy to say the least, but also lots of blessings too. Let’s catch up!

As I told you last week, we now have an office close to Disney for TMSM and Lost Princess Apparel. We have worked from home for years and now we have a place to go to, to get things done and fill orders. There was no way we could have all that inventory in our home so it was a must. Another large shipment came of Halloween leggings and such so we had a lot of separating and organizing to do. Lucky for us, we have had some friends chip in to help and that’s reduced the time it takes for us to get everything ready to go on the site. Saturday we had some friends over to the office to help then went to grab a quick lunch. It was nice to visit and get work done quicker in the meantime. Always appreciated!

On Sunday, there was still work to be done. My friend and new staff member Sean came over to do a photo shoot for the new leggings. It takes a lot of effort to get good quality pics and luckily Sean is great at what he does. That evening we had plans to meet our friends (and also staff) Corey and LaKresha at Disney Springs for dinner. They wanted to go celebrate the new business venture so we went to Maria and Enzo’s. The food was so good! Corey and LaKresha were some of our first members on TMSM over ten years ago. Little did I know that they would become family to us which has been another blessing. They have been wonderful friends and we are lucky to have them. Actually we are lucky to have all the friends that are in our lives, they’re so supportive!

Monday of course was Labor Day, and we were invited out to meet up with friends at Universal Studios. I wanted to go over there to see the additions to their Halloween store, as they added some nods to Beetlejuice! Their display was pretty awesome and definitely didn’t disappoint. It was hot outside but we had a great day, it was nice to be out and about. I still miss holiday weekends back home because I would be with my family. I haven’t seen my family since December, but I am looking forward to upcoming visits plus we are going home for Christmas.  I’m thankful for our Ohana here, it really does make a difference.

This week has been busy of course, getting orders ready to be shipped for the new leggings. Starting this new venture on our own has been stressful because we have so much invested. It was a lot of work to get this new shop up and running and I am praying that people love the products that we put out. So far people have gotten their orders and have been happy, so I’m happy too. Well that’s it for this week, as always I truly appreciate you all for following along with us. Until next time, sending you love, blessings and pixie dust. See ya real soon! -M

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