Star Wars fans of all ages are anxiously awaiting the newest animated series from director Dave Filoni, Star Wars: Resistance. Airing October 7th on Disney Channel, this show will take place about 6 months before the events of The Force Awakens as the Resistance starts to grow to combat the ever-increasing threats from the First Order.

How to Prepare for Star Wars: Resistance | The Main Street Mouse

While we don’t know much about the show, you can start preparing for the premiere by doing the following:

  • Rewatch The Force Awakens – We know the show takes place before this movie, but rewatching Episode VII is the perfect way to get your mind back focused on the status of the galaxy. Plus, a few members of the sequel trilogy films will make guest appearances including Oscar Isaac as Poe, Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, and Gwendoline Christie as Captain Phasma.
  • Watch Dave Filoni’s Other Star Wars Series – Dave Filoni is legendary in the Star Wars universe for bringing us memorable and iconic characters such as Ahsoka Tano, Ezra Bridger, Captain Rex, and Kanan Jarrus, to name a few, through his previous animated shows, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels. If you haven’t seen either of these shows, they will give you a look at the unique style of storytelling that Filoni uses. Plus, you will familiarize yourself with characters who might make an appearance at some point on Resistance. You never know who Filoni will bring back. In fact, that big surprise at the end of Solo wasn’t a surprise to anybody who has seen Clone Wars and Rebels. There’s a chance a Rebels character could show up on Resistance and you would better know who they are from seeing them on another show.
  • Read the Aftermath series – Written by Chuck Wendig, the Aftermath trilogy is canon and describes the events shortly after Episode VI as the Empire is scrambling and the Republic is being restored. This series has a few hints at things in the sequel trilogy so it might be a good read to see how the Empire started its turn into the First Order. If you have time to read only one of these books, start with the first one; it gives some interesting background on instructions Darth Sidious left behind for the Empire in case he died.

Remember, you can catch Resistance on October 7th on Disney Channel at 10 p.m. EST.

Susie Bryan
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