TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ To Toy Story Land and Beyond!

“To Toy Story Land….. and Beyond!” Did you read that in Buzz Lightyear’s voice? Gosh, I sure hope so, that was the idea! Anyway, this week has been CRAZY, I’m exhausted but thankful! Let’s catch up!

Last Wednesday was my third media visit to Toy Story Land. I was so excited to see the construction site and get the latest scoop. I can’t say enough good things about it, you will love the new area. The attention to detail at Toy Story Land is incredible, just like everything else Disney creates. The new merchandise for Toy Story Land is pretty great as well; shirts, hats, bags, mugs… all really cute. Woody’s Lunchbox, the walk up restaurant, is almost complete. We couldn’t sample foods yet as it’s not open, but we were shown the food offerings that are coming… Turkey sandwiches, Monte Cristo, Frito Nachos and more. I can’t wait to get a better look next month during the media preview. I truly appreciate the opportunity that Disney has given me, to see the new land before most other outlets. I don’t take that for granted one bit. Oh, also, Thursday morning I was asked to report about Toy Story Land on the radio here in Orlando, 96.5 WDBO. I was scared to death, but it went really well and I was thrilled for the opportunity. I posted a link on our Facebook page for people to listen, in case you missed it. So much fun, and such a blessing for these opportunities.

Thursday through Sunday, we worked MegaCon Orlando at the Orange County Convention Center. This yearly event is HUGE, and draws crowds of up to 100,000 visitors. Usually we cover the convention for media, but this year we did double duty and had a booth as well. Our spot had copies of my book, TMSM swag, free candy, and lots of Disney Lularoe goodies. It was absolutely exhausting, but we met so many people who follow the site and all that we do. It’s always a pleasure to meet our readers, and be able to thank them in person. I truly appreciate those who came out to see us! Walking around the convention, you see a lot of cosplay, and we did spot a bit of Disney cosplayers. The Sanderson Sisters were a favorite for sure. The celebrity area was crowded, but we did get to get up close to Norman Reedus (Daryl on the Walking Dead) because of our media badge. That was great. A huge thank you to my friend and staff member Janel for helping us on Saturday and Sunday, she did a good job. Next weekend, June 8 ~ 10, we will be at Magic City Con in Birmingham Alabama, so I hope to see more of you soon!

Right after closing down at MegaCon, we had to get right over to Hollywood Studios for Galactic Nights. Galactic Nights is their big Star Wars fan event, and Disney invited us so we couldn’t miss it. It’s a great evening for Star Wars lovers, and new info came out about Galaxy’s Edge, the new Star Wars Land coming to the Studios. Details are on our YouTube channel. Well, that’s about it for this week. That’s IT? It’s quite a bit looking back, but it was a lot of fun. You know, some don’t understand this crazy job of mine, or wonder how we do it all and stay sane. Truthfully, I wouldn’t change a thing. The opportunities, the people I’ve met, the things I’ve seen… it’s been amazing. This week we have another media event, but at the Magic Kingdom, so stay tuned for more. Thank you all for keeping up with us every Wednesday like you do, I appreciate that more than I can say. Until next time, sending you love, blessings and pixie dust! See ya real soon! ~M

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