Top 5 Questions We’ve Been Waiting for The Last Jedi to Answer

December 13, 2017 , ,

After TWO years of waiting, the follow up to The Force Awakens, is almost here. Episode VIII is set to answer so many of our burning questions and put all the incorrect fan theory YouTube videos to shame. Like every Star Wars fan, I have my own opinions as to what should happen in The Last Jedi, but they could be totally wrong. There’s only one way to find out, and it involves waiting just a few more days. In the meantime, here are the top 5 questions we are hoping The Last Jedi answers

  1. Who are Rey’s parents? – In a galaxy where everyone seems to be connected or related somehow, we are all hoping that Rey is the descendant of somebody we already know. There are countless theories out there, but my favorite is that she is a Kenobi. The parallels of a Kenobi (Rey) and a Skywalker (Kylo Ren) fighting again is too much for me to handle. However, this theory has been slowly unraveling with some potential spoilers from the new Star Wars Battlefront II video game. And, actress Daisy Ridley said of her character’s parentage that it’s not as big as we all make it out to be and that she thought it was clear in Episode VII who she is. Either way, we all are waiting anxiously to have this question cleared up.
  2. Who is Supreme Leader Snoke? – It’s likely Snoke is a new character, but it is also very likely he is not. If you start reading up on the theories, Snoke’s identity can get complicated. My personal theory is that he is Darth Plagueis, the Sith Lord mentioned in Episode III as being able to create life. I like this idea because it connects the entire saga together. Either way, Snoke is a powerful and ancient being who practices the Dark Side, but does not seem to be a Sith himself.
  3. Why is it time for the Jedi to end, Luke? – That line in the trailer is discomforting. I think Luke understands the laws and practices of the Jedi Order he was looking to re-establish are outdated and thus the Jedi must end, but not Force users of the Light Side. We will have to wait only a few days longer to see the future of the Jedi.
  4. Will Luke and Leia be reunited? – Please oh please let this happen. Like so many millions around the world, I mourned the loss of the hilarious and brilliant pioneer Carrie Fisher. Because she is no longer with us, her final contribution to Star Wars will be The Last Jedi. This is the final time for her and Luke to reunite. Since the original three can’t all be back together because Han Solo was killed, the “Space Twins” (as Mark Hamill calls them) most definitely need to see each other in this film.
  5. What happened to the New Republic? – I know, I know, this is no place for politics. But c’mon, the entire government was destroyed by the First Order and we aren’t going to talk about it? This is a plot hole that bothers me. The entire galaxy must be in disarray due to the loss of their Senators. That leaves a HUGE vacuum of power to be replaced by either the First Order or to be restored by the Resistance.

What are your thoughts? What did I miss that you want to be answered in The Last Jedi? Leave a comment below or on our Facebook post.

Susie Bryan
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