TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ Yes, Christmas Already!

Happy Wednesday Main Streeters!

The Christmas fun is in full swing here in Central Florida and I for one am excited!  I was telling you last week how Disney was busy flipping holidays, from Halloween to Christmas, and this week even more is done!  We went over to the Magic Kingdom to get photos, and it never disappoints.

Even though the decorations at the Magic Kingdom are pretty much the same as last year, they still put me in an instant good mood, like it’s the first time seeing them. Disney really knows how to do the Holidays right, it’s just beautiful. The Christmas parties start tomorrow, so it’s all coming together. My parents will be in town when we’re scheduled to go to the Christmas Party for media night, so we’re getting them tickets to come with us next Friday. They’ve never been to the party, and I’m so excited to get to show them all the magic that Disney offers for Christmas! I can’t wait. I need to go over to Hollywood Studios this weekend to see all the new decorations and such that they’ve put out as well. They’ve added more, and I think it’s a good thing from what I’ve seen so far. I’ll report back of course so watch for pictures!

For me personally, I’ve been thinking a lot about growth, as well as where I want to take The Main Street Mouse next. I’ve had our readers ask about more meet ups, which I think is a great idea and I need to make time to schedule some. They’ve also asked about more content from me personally, like another book. That’s on my resolution list for 2018 too. Sometimes we have to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, or we will NEVER grow. Yes, that’s the main idea of my book, but it’s so true. Sometimes comfort is good, but sometimes it’s not, if that makes sense. Keeping on with the same old same old makes us complacent and that’s not productive. So yes, I’m working on it. Change is good, I keep telling myself that. One would think that since picking up my family and moving to Florida three and a half years ago, I’d finally grasp that concept fully! Ah yes, still a work in progress. Aren’t we all? One thing I know for sure, is that TMSM would be nothing without the people who support us, and I am grateful for that more than you know. Well…. on that note, that’s it for this weeks update. Thank you all for reading and keeping up with us the way you do! Until next week, sending you all love, blessings and pixie dust! See ya real soon! ~M

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