Cinderella Dresser-Top Castle Craft Idea!

Here’s another cute craft idea courtesy of Disney Family!
What You’ll Need
Heavy-weight scrapbook papers (white, blue, and gold)
Glue stick
Decorative-edged craft scissors
Paper doily
Glue dots
Corrugated cardboard
Faux stick-on gems
Paper towel tube
How To Make It
  • Print the template and use it as a pattern for cutting out the pieces from the specified colors of paper. In addition, cut out the following pieces from white paper: an 11½ by 5- inch front wall, a 7½-inch-square middle wall, a 5½ by 12-inch far wall, a 14 by 1½-inch strip for the large tower, and two 13 by 1-inch strips for the smaller towers. Lastly, cut an 11½ by 1-inch strip of blue paper for the front wall trim. Note: For the towers, you may need to glue a couple of strips of paper together to achieve the desired length.
  • Cut a series of ½-inch tabs in the top edge of the three walls, and fold down every other tab to create crenelations, as shown. Crenelate the tops of the two turrets as well, using the lines on the template for reference.

  • Glue the blue front wall trim to the upper edges of the crenelations on the front wall. Then center the three walls atop one another, and glue them together. Tip: To give the castle more depth, you can glue strips of corrugated cardboard between the layers as spacers.
  • Glue the blue turret roofs to the turret tops. Then glue the tops, to the turrets, as shown. Complete each tower by gluing on the turret trim.

  • Glue the main door, the balcony door, and the clock to the face of the castle entrance. Cut a small piece from the lacy border of a paper doily and glue it to the top of the blue entrance steeple trim.
  • Glue the steeple trim to the back of the steeple. Use another piece of doily for a balcony railing, and thin strips of gold paper for door hinges, if you like.

  • Trim the tops of the three towers with craft scissors. Then glue the towers to their respective roofs.

  • Glue the towers to the back of the far wall and the turrets and castle entrance atop the front wall, again using cardboard strips between the layers for spacers. Now add bling by decorating the tops of the walls with sparkly faux gems.

  • To stand the finished castle up, simply cut a paper towel tube into 2 or 3 lengths, and glue them to the back side, positioning them so that the bottoms are flush with the castle base.

    Idea and pics courtesy of Disney Family!

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