Disney Princess Masquerade Masks ~ Fun Craft to Try!


Here’s another fun craft idea from Disney Family! Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s good to start thinking of creative ideas now! Here’s how you make these adorable Disney Princess Masquerade Masks!

What You’ll Need
Download Disney Princess Masquerade Masks

•Regular paper or cardstock
•Glue or double-sided tape
•Wood round craft stick (or chopstick)
•Ribbons, glitter, gems (optional)

How To Make It

⦁ Print the template on regular paper or cardstock and cut out the pieces. Make sure you also cut out the eye holes.
⦁ Glue or tape a stick to the inside of the mask on one side (a chopstick also works well). If you decide to paint the stick first, make sure you give it enough time to dry before securing it to the mask.
⦁ Use ribbons, glitter, gems, and more fun accessories to decorate your mask.

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