Make Your Own Sparkle Snow ~ Recipe

December 7, 2014

sparkle snow reciope

Make your own snow! Disney has snow, so anyone can!

Well, being that we live in Florida, snow doesn’t come very often. Wait, what am I talking about. Snow never comes to Central Florida. Well, that’s not necessarily true either. Once while living down here, we did have the tiniest little flurry, but by the time it hit the ground, it disappeared. I grew up in Connecticut, so I know what snow is; however my kids are Floridians. 2 out of 3 of my kids have visited Ct. in the snow and they had a blast playing in it, but for me it just brought back memories of falling on ice and shoveling lots of snow. I don’t miss it. I’ve definitely become a Florida girl.

Well, sometimes it’s fun to play in the snow and this sparkle snow is my kind of snow. It’s easy to make, fun to play in, and I don’t have to shovel it! This snow would be fun for a sensory bin for your little ones or a fun activity for a Frozen themed party. I found this on Pinterest and photos and recipe are from Growing a Jeweled Rose. Enjoy this fun filled snowy craft!


 Two 16oz boxes of corn starch
 One can of shaving cream
 Peppermint Extract (optional)
 Iridescent Glitter

How to make it

Mix the shaving cream and corn starch together in a sensory bin or container.  It takes a bit of mixing to work the shaving cream into the corn starch, but the process is FUN!  Both materials feel amazing!  Then add a couple drops of peppermint extract towards the end of the mixing process.  It isn’t necessary, but it just adds another fun element of play and exploration.

Once these ingredients are mixed add the iridescent glitter.  Add as little or as much as you want.  Just keep adding it until you like the amount of sparkle.

That’s it, now it’s time to have fun. Build a snowman, create a snow angel with your hands, or maybe hide some little treasures for your kids to find. The possibilities are endless!

By Janel Adani

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