TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ December is Here!


Happy Wednesday Main Streeters! It’s time for our weekly check in on what’s been going on down here in Florida! Well, December is here, amazingly enough! I swear, never in my life have I worn flip flops and shorts in December, not ever. People are out putting up Christmas lights, Christmas music is playing everywhere, and yet it’s warm outside. So strange for this Northern girl! Not complaining though, just more adjusting. Like I’ve said before, it sure is odd not having any change in seasons, especially when you grew up in a place that indeed does have 4 seasons. The weather is beautiful though, much better than what my friends and family are getting back home, could be worse! So, other than it being 80 degrees a few weeks before Christmas….. lets see what else is going on.

Thanksgiving was last Thursday, as you know. Again, odd for us, being away from home for the very first time on a major holiday. I only cried once, not too bad. We stayed home all day and made our own turkey dinner, watched the Lions game (and they won), and just laid low. I talked to my parents in the morning to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving, and they had the same sentiment, that this year wouldn’t be the same. And it wasn’t. But, instead of feeling sad for what we are missing, I was focusing on being thankful and counting my blessings for what we do have. The day after turkey day, we took the boys out for the day to Legoland Florida for a field trip for Off TMSM. We had never been there before, so the kids were excited and it was a fun day out. We also walked through Cypress Gardens while we were there, which was beautiful. Another first. The following day, we went back to our home base so to speak and had some fun at the Magic Kingdom for a few hours. I left a little early because I got the word that my interview on our friend Big Fat Panda’s Show was almost ready to go live and I wanted to be home to put it out to our readers. I was scared and excited all in one, and actually ran to the car…. kids running behind me laughing! The show came out, and the feedback that we’ve received has been positive, and I’m very thankful for that. I think the lesson there, is that even if we feel we can’t do something or are scared to try something new…. do it anyway. You never know what you can accomplish when you take a risk and try! I thank all of you, and Panda of course, for the amazing support! If you haven’t seen the show yet, you can view it on the link below!

We have another outing for Off TMSM this coming weekend at Sea World for their Christmas festivities, and a few things lined up here and there before Christmas. Time is going to go by fast, and before we know it Christmas will be here. There are lots of things to do and prepare for before then! One good thing, is Christmas shopping will be a little better down here, no slipping on ice or driving in the cold and snow. I’m thankful that my boys are transitioning well with all of this, doing well in school and looking forward to the holidays. We have lots to be thankful for this year, and a special thank you goes out to all of you for following along with our story each week. It means more than you know! Thanks again, and until next week…. See Ya Real Soon! ~M

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One thought on “TMSM’s Adventures in Florida Living ~ December is Here!”
  1. Thank you Michele. I love reading about your adventures. Makes me feel like I am in Florida, too. Wish I really were, but this is second best. Thanks, again.

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The Main Street Mouse