Disney from a Teen’s Perspective: Photos Of Epcot

October 12, 2014 , , ,

Epcot 1

So, this week has been kind of crazy for me. I am in the middle of volleyball tryouts for my school which entails a lot of practice. My free time this week has really diminished, but I still wanted to take a little time to write my blog. No matter how busy I get with school or sports, I always want to make time for the fun stuff!

Photography has become a new found passion of mine. I always liked taking photos and while I was in Ct. this summer visiting my family, my grandfather gave me a very nice camera. This opened a whole new world in photography for me. I went from my little iPhone pics to a cool new camera with all kinds of bells and whistles. It’s a learning process, that’s for sure, but I’m having a ton of fun while learning.

Spaceship Earth

Last weekend, we went to Epcot for 2 reasons, to sample the food at the Food and Wine Festival and to ride Maelstrom one last time. Both were great, but what I really enjoyed was taking all kinds of great night photos. My mom always laughs at me because I don’t take the normal pictures. I like to look at things from different angles and catch a shot that most people don’t see.


The weather was beautiful Saturday night. It was the first non-rainy night in a long time and the weather dipped down into the 60’s. Such a great night to be outside. The sky looked amazing too.


Epcot is one of my favorite places to photograph at night. What park do you like to visit at night?



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