Behind the Scenes: Designing a Disney Fireworks Show

May 10, 2014 ,

This was originally posted on the Disney Parks Blog, by Jennifer Fickley-Baker, Social Media Manager and I thought it was very interesting.  So many of the Disney visitors finish their day with a spectacular fireworks show, it’s fun to see what goes on behind the scenes to bring these shows to life.

Designing a fireworks show for a Disney Park involves selecting music, playing with color, and choosing individual fireworks as carefully as if you’re choosing actors for a play – all to create one amazing story in the sky.


Many of those “stories” will play out at Disney Parks this week, with Fourth of July fireworks spectaculars happening at both the Walt Disney World Resort and the Disneyland Resort.

Check out this video, in which Steven Davison, vice president of Parades & Spectaculars, gives us a behind-the-scenes look.

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