5 Tips To Cope With “Disney Drop”

April 3, 2017

5 tips to cope with “Disney Drop” By Guest Blogger Cora Helton

We’ve all experienced an acute case of the blues when we get back from a big Disney vacation. You spent months planning and perfecting every detail of your trip, and when you were at the parks you were surrounded by Disney magic. Coming home to dishes, laundry, and your job is a huge let down. This “Disney Drop” isn’t always avoidable, but there are some things you can do to make your return to normality more tolerable.

  1. Make sure your house is clean, and your to-do list is empty before you leave.
    When we’re at Disney it’s so easy to be in the “Disney Bubble” where you forget all the troubles and concerns of life at home. The last thing you want is to have that bubble burst as soon as you walk in your front door, and see that the floors need mopped and the garden needs weeding. Coming home to a clean slate makes for a much smoother transition.
  2. Save your souvenir “unboxing” and picture review for a couple days post trip.
    I love coming home and putting away the fun souvenirs I bought, and going through my photo pass pictures to post on social media. I’ve found that my Disney Drop is normally at its worst two or three days after I’m home, so saving these tasks for a time when I know I’ll be down is immensely helpful. It’s also great to do this with the friends and family who were with you on your trip, so you can reminisce together and solidify those memories.
  1. Take an extra day or two off of work.
    Easing back into the daily grind is the best way to avoid major Disney Drop. If possible, plan to take an extra day or two off work. This will give you time to deal with your vacation laundry, spend extra time with your pets, and recover from all that walking.4. Set new goals.
    Before you leave for Disney, write down some goals to incorporate into your routine when you return. A Disney vacation can be a “reset” in many ways, we normally eat a lot more calories than we normally do, so right after a trip might be a great time to jump-start that diet. All that walking around Epcot is great motivation to keep exercising when you get home. I also recommend choosing souvenirs that can assist you in these goals, so that you feel some of that Disney magic while you’re working to improve yourself. You could get some Disney themed cookware to encourage you to make meals at home, or some fun Disney journals to write in.
  1. Plan something to look forward to when you get home.
    Even if your entertainment budget is shot, planning some small event to look forward to on your return home is a great way to avoid the drop. It could be as small as a movie night with friends, or as big as your next Disney Vacation! 
Disney Drop is unavoidable for most people, but using these tips you might be able to bounce back faster, and incorporate Disney into your daily life. What other methods do you use to cheer yourself up after vacation?

For those unfamiliar with the term “Disney Drop” it is the Disney version of “Con Drop” which is  sudden period of feeling generally down and/or depressed after attending a convention. It is usually preceded by a time of being “high” on endorphins and energy, feeling really great about the con before it hits you like a ton of bricks. Con drop can happen anywhere from a few hours to a few days after leaving, and is accompanied by an intense need to go to another convention or be with friends who were there as well. Someone in con drop will be particularly susceptible to signing up for the next convention they’re told about.

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