Big Changes to Fun Finds at Downtown Disney!

August 1, 2015


Last night we went to see Ant-Man finally at Downtown Disney. After the movie, we went walking through some of our favorite shops, including Fun Finds. We always check out Fun Finds because they have that clearance wall where you can get Park merchandise really cheap. Well, to our surprise, Fun Finds has gotten a make over, and the clearance and kitchen area is now Duffy themed. Yes, a huge Duffy greets guests at the back door, and you can find a large assortment of Duffy animals and outfits (my younger son was thrilled, he loves Duffy).

The store in general has changed themes. I used to get my Nightmare Before Christmas souvenirs in there, but now that’s gone as well. Fun Finds is now all toys and things geared towards little ones. I’m not sure when exactly that the change happened, but I know it’s recently, because we bought my brother a Jack Skellington candle holder in there a few weeks back. Anyhow, I just thought I’d let my fellow shoppers know of the change, hope it helps! ~M

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3 thoughts on “Big Changes to Fun Finds at Downtown Disney!”
  1. Do they still have the clearance wall somewhere else in the store? My kids get a grab bag there every year and look forward to stopping there. Did you notice if they still have the grab bags?

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