Disney Princess Easter Eggs [Printables] from FUN.com

Easter is coming up pretty quickly and I know a lot of you like to decorate Easter Eggs, it’s a tradition for so many. I know it was for me when I was a kid, great memories for sure! Well, here’s an egg decorating idea with a Disney twist. It’s from FUN.com and is adorable! Here’s the scoop on Disney Easter Eggs!

We know that you’re dyeing to see some fun Easter egg printables, so we whipped up a magical batch of Disney Princess Easter eggs! (We’re talking about the edible kind, not the Disney movie easter eggs you can spot while watching the films.) With so many characters to choose from, we picked a portion of Disney’s modern princesses that your kids are bound to be familiar with. These Disney Easter eggs are easy to print and cut out, with directions on how to tape them all together. Choose from cardstock or regular printer paper and fake or real eggs, and get crafting! No matter which you choose, we’re sure that your friends and family will love to see your Disney Easter eggstravaganza on social!

The free printable Disney egg costumes templates are available to download at the end of this article.



Get ready to make Easter a touch more magical with these Disney Easter egg printables! Did we include your favorite characters? Are you eggstatic to get started? What other Easter egg designs would you like to see from us? Don’t be shy, leave a comment for us below! If you’d like to continue with the Disney theme for your family’s Easter baskets, we have lots of Disney gifts that would look lovely nestled with candy and Easter grass.

From FUN.com

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