Jaleo Disney Springs’ Gin and Tonic Festival Starts TODAY!

September 24, 2019 ,

Jaleo Disney Springs starts its fall Gin & Tonic Festival TODAY! The festival showcases Chef Jose Andres’ favorite cocktail with an autumn spin. The festival will starts today and runs through October 7. The restaurant will be showcasing three different cocktail specials:

Gone Apple Picking – Fords Gin, La Gitana Pastrana mazanilla sherry, Valdespino El Candado PX, Fever Tree Indian tonic water with Granny Smith apple slices and star anise

Doesn’t Take an Empire — Ford’s gin, Fever Tree Indian Tonic, Angostura bitters, Peychaud’s bitters, lemon, orange

London Dry — Grapefruit, mint, lemon, white pepper

“The Gin & Tonic has a fascinating history. It was created by the British-in England and India-but it was perfected by the Spaniards. Think about it. The Gin & Tonic has united cultures and continents all over the world.” -José Andrés

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