Today In The Future Of Disney History- April 1st

April 1, 2016

Today In The Future Of Disney History- April 1st


It has been confirmed that teleporters will be installed directly outside of all park entrances. This new technology eliminates the need for parking lots, allowing Disney to build a seventh park across from the Magic Kingdom. Rumor suggests the new park will be based on the history of the company and will show case what is now extinct technology. It will also house 10 movies theaters that will play various shows and movies produced prior to the “great take over” where Disney took over the planet. CEO Zurg has yet to confirm this new park but has announced a press event will be held on April 5th 2814 to discuss future resort changes.

(Happy April Fools Day! We hope you got a laugh and have a great weekend! )

TMSM Today in Graphic by Sherry Rinaldi DeHart

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