Today’s Limited Time Magic Announcement!

September 27, 2013


Check Out the Downtown Disney Chalk Art Festival

October 4 to October 6, 2013
Add a dash of color to your weekend when Limited Time Magic presents the Downtown Disney Chalk Art Festival! Watch in wonder as talented artists intricately transform flat concrete walkways into canvases for their dazzling works. This is your chance to marvel at the eye-catching creations as they carefully come together, crafted entirely from chalk and other materials. And while visiting Downtown Disney area, stop by the Art of Disney Gallery and celebrate with artist Greg McCullough as he appears for signings—from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM, October 2 to October 6, 2013. Meet the mind behind the art as Walt Disney World Resort showcases the release of new pieces in his collection. It’s all happening for a limited time, courtesy of Limited Time Magic!
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