Disney Parks DIY: Sweet and Savory Snacks for Father’s Day

From the Disney Parks Blog and written by: Simone Miranda

I have a wonderful father and, quite honestly, I don’t tell him that often enough. When I was a little girl it was actually my dad that stayed home with us kids. He gave us pizza for breakfast…allowed us to wear shorts during winter…often forgot to brush our hair…it was truly a blast growing up and I love him for every minute of it.

What better way to say thanks to dad than to make him yummy treats? Designers turned chefs, Brittany Ungvarsky and I came up with two delicious recipes! One for sweet s’mores and one for savory snack mix.

Download the step-by-step directions here.

Whether your dad is a sweetie or on the salty side make sure to give him lots of love this Father’s Day!

The Main Street Mouse