TMSM Explains: Packing For The TMSM Meet Up

October 30, 2016 ,


If you are subscribed to The Main Street Monthly you know that every month we share a packing tips and tricks article with our readers. If you aren’t a subscriber of the Monthly, well honestly you should change that because you are missing out on a lot of great content that was created for just the Monthly. With the upcoming TMSM Meet Up only two weeks away I wanted to share you a few things to pack that will make your day easier, and some fun things that will help you show off your TMSM pride. I am even including links to some of the items to make getting ready easier!

One of the big things to have in the parks is a backup battery charger. Not only so you can use MDE, but so you can share all the fun you are having at the meet up. I highly recommend an Anker as they are great products with a stellar customer service division. And if your phone doesn’t work, how are you going to flood social media with pics and updates using the Meet Up’s official hashtag? #tmsmmeetup

There is a high chance it will still be warm come November 12, so of course you want to protect your skin with some anti-chafing products for your skin and feet and of course later in the day if your muscles hurt you will want something to help with that. and stay hydrated! Also you will want to stay hydrated, so why not do it while representing TMSM with some red and gold water bottles?

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Showing your TMSM Red and Yellow love is pretty easy too! You can go all out with pom poms, tutus, leggings and crazy socks and temporary hair color. Or if you want to be a bit more refined you can always just order an official TMSM shirt . You can also be a bit more “dapper’ and try a TMSM colored tie, suspenders or hair bow. Just make sure you review the sizing charts for any online purchase you make as sizing can vary by manufacturers, and the shipping turn around time to ensure your items get in on time!

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But most importantly you want to pack your love of TMSM because we can’t wait to see you!! If you haven’t yet RSVPed on the TMSM Meet Up‘s official Facebook event  please take a moment to do so that we can get a better idea of the headcount! See you November 12 at the Magic Kingdom!!

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